Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mira N Mataric

Let us play with words


If you think I am demanding

what do you think of her,

my poetry, shadow, alter ego

my twin sister

she won’t let me sleep

unless I dream my next poem

in color, of course

and using all five senses

no rhyming but rhythm

and an exquisite choice of words,

simple and sophisticated

personal and poetic,

printable and proper

descriptive and demonstrative

fresh and freely flowing

and what not.

Imagery is indispensable

courage and creativity

daring details

emulating emotions

from everyday life

uniquely universal.

There is more to it,

but start with this first.

Don’t get lost in the game

you will have to sign your name

and remember art is for playing

life for living.

The World and I


Like many others

I have dug deep

into the meanings

value and worthlessness

of all things in life

only having to stop

at the closed gate

of Ultimate Knowing

over and over facing

the eternal unknowable meaning

and limitations of a human at any age.


I see my own poverty

within the lushness of nature

and the world around me,

including gifts so kindly given

whether I understand or not

know what to do or not

whether I remember to share

all I have or not.


The more I doubt myself,

the more I see the connection

of me, a tiny, worthless atom,

joined with the rest.



Summer Dreams


Lying on my back in bed

I close my eyes and  see

mountains in the distance

old trees with big branches

almost breaking to touch

the flowing water


Both the river and I

listen to the same lullaby

from the soft breeze and

the hum of the leaves

of a massive aspen tree

spreading shade around its base


When I get hot.

I wade into the cool water

of the welcoming river

then choose my spot

under the perfect tree

to take a nap.


I lay down with closed eyes

listening to the sweet song

of quivering aspen leaves

and the soothing murmur

of the close flowing waters

lulled into a deep sleep

floating on unforgettable dreams

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