Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Shih-Fang Wang

I Will Cry with You


I don’t know why you are crying

Don’t even know you well

But your face is full of sadness

Eyes with helplessness

I believe your tears must be bitter

Your whimpers resonate in my heart

I will cry with you before my tears dry up


In that gloomy place I saw your

Lone silhouette teetering in mire 

I wanted to lend you a hand

But mine are fully stuck with thorns

I can only share with you

My self-procured solace

Remember there are always hopes

Even it is the hope for a miracle

Hang on to that glint

It may shine your way in the dark


Cry out loud weep all sorrow

That’s all we will do for now

What's next is not a concern

For this moment

Let us shed all the sad tears

Until only joyful ones left


What’s Next


Sometimes I don’t know

What’s next in the line of my budding verse

When the fount of inspiration is dry


Drop the pen I loiter and wait for

Something to transpire unexpectedly

Like the neighbor’s cat at my front door

A surprising call from a forgotten friend

Or a shooting star slicing the sky


Seemingly effortless in my part

Behind the scene the unconscious brain

A cosmos in a microscopic version

Executes phenomenal tasks with

Electrical signals dashing through


Astronomical synapse highways

Firing in split seconds

To create seeds of thoughts

All silently accomplished in my head

Cognitively I feel I don’t need to participate


Like a laid-back fisherman

After casting out the fishing line

I just dawdle about

When inspiration jigs like a buoy

I then quickly retrieve it lest it escapes like

A slippery fish from the hookless bait



In the Frontline


The nightmare from her slumber is

Turning into animation

When she wakes up in the morning

Another day’s uncertainty starts to unfurl


The hospital she works is

The front line of the pandemic battle

Without fast guns adequate bullets

Or good shields

Heading for the war

She prays in her chariot

To procure her courage

And assuage fears


Don’t say she is not brave enough

You have to come to understand

The enemies are invisible and pervasive

Constantly looking for preys

Land mines are everywhere

Their war drums are deafening loud

Yet you cannot hear their frequency

Only moans of wounded comrades

Permeate the battlefield


When her duty is over for the day

She retreats from the war zone

Without a sense of peace

She does not know what’s next

For the devils might have already hijacked her

On their way to launch a raid to her family

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