Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Eileen Carole


Now that you say it's over
You won't see her any more
It wasn't love
It was just sex
An uncontrollable urge
Yielding to desire
But it wasn't love
Not like you feel for me
And the children
I'm your college sweetheart
Your first true love
The one you married
That is the love of belief
That is earnest intent
The other is just sex
Attraction to the forbidden
Lured in by her cleavage
It swallowed you whole
And took away your reason
And sacrificed your vows
And now you're sorry 
And won't see her any more
And what's next?


Vaccinate the WORLD
To PROTECT us all
So we can return to NORMAL life
HUMAN connection
Business AS USUAL
Through HERD immunity
Some say NO way, not me
Some will WAIT and see
The news will discuss the PROS and cons
Forecast the numbers and the PROOF
Urging all to TRUST and believe
Many, tired of now, will take a chance
Will believe in the SCIENCE
Will be BRAVE for us all
Government may INTERVENE
Make demands and rulings 
SEPARATE the cities into communities
The yellow wristband ones are to be AVOIDED
They are potentially COVID spreaders
Unvaccinated and thereby NOT to be trusted
Look for the green dot tattoo between the eyebrows
SAFE associations and interactions
They have the VACCINE in their system
They can be TOUCHED, hugged, loved
They can make new babies IMMUNE from Covid
And because of them, LIFE can go on
OTHERWISE, what's next?

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