Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Monday, November 9, 2020

Don Kingfisher Campbell

The Misfortune of Being in America

In 2018 I met a woman from Hainan Island

A retired naval nurse, here on a tourist visa

She said she could stay for six months, but had

To go back for six to placate our governments

I met her four months in, so we had an intense

Two until I drove her to the airport in November

We continued to communicate using the WeChat

App because neither of us knew the other’s language

Spending hours of virtual text and video time together

Until a half year later I picked her up at LAX, then

We enjoyed a sex-filled six months of cohabitation

And became engaged to marry when my divorce

Would finally become final, but didn’t soon enough, so

I took her to the airport once more on December 10

She was due to return in June except the COVID-19

Virus took over the world in the winter and our orange

President hated China for the air invasion without a shot

Banned tourist travel for all the rest of 2020, reciprocated

By the end of summer, he tried to take it a step further

He wanted to end WeChat, our only way to understand

Each other with a click of a button, a federal judge

Overturned his edict, so we could still converse freely

It’s daylight savings time now, a sixteen hour difference

Between our zones instead of just fifteen, some change

Today is the election wherein we will find out if 2021

Will be a reunion year for us or the start of another

365 sleepy days and wakeful nights of picture sending,

Video sharing, 7000 mile apart masturbation. What’s next?    

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