Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Gwendolyn Fleischer


In the neighbor's yard

the tree

is over 30 feet tall.

It's always green 

leaves branch out .

Still full even in approaching winter.

I walked out onto my front porch

A gaunt grey squirrel 

downward scampered

headlong down the trunk

to the corner of my yard he ran 

stopping next to my driveway.

Several magnolia pods lay in my yard.

My magnolia tree had been removed by the city

the nearest is next door.

Fleshy bright red seeds lingered in the pods.

He, or is it a she

I don't know how to tell the difference

I'm not getting close enough to tell.

So, the squirrel proceeded to dig dig dig a hole

extracted from the pod a berry

with his? tiny furry front paws

chewed the juicy seed

spit it into the hole

pat pat pat with his front paws

he paused

and he? started all over again

preparing for winter's lack of food.

I went to Big Lots later

purchased roasted no salt

sunflower seeds 

and tossed out a squirrel sized portion

for squirrel dinner 

to stave off winter's hunger


Two  comes after one 

night comes after day

Thursday after Wednesday

and winter follows fall

July is after June

rainbows after  rain

flowers after planting

babies come after fucking

crawl, then walk, then run.

playoff after tournaments

paychecks come after work

runoffs after ties

grief comes after loss

and dishes after dinner

midnight before the dawn

marriage comes after the vows

and rainbows after rain

Thanksgiving after Halloween

New Year's after midnight..

Everything  always follows something

something is the next to do

what's next on the agenda

on the list of priorities

on the to do's to do's.

break a dish,- glue or toss

children need new clothes

the loser needs to concede

to the winner go the spoils.

and the winner writes the history


Oh! Happy Day! Oh! Happy Day!

New President

first woman VP

a woman of color

brilliant woman

shattered major glass ceiling.

Change of power

calm not chaos

calm deliberation

calm restores our country

our place on the world's stage

our economy 

our health

and don't forget Covid

where or where to start

how to undo the tangled thread

of mass deceit

unsow the seeds of hatred

dividing neighbor from neighbor

how to open ears again and listen

without threat of AK 47's

no more lusting after dictators

no more shunning aside our allies 

no more ignoring kids in cages

let's work across the aisles

I too have to practice 

love and tolerance

But we can protests without tear gas

rubber bullets at journalists

or protestors tossed into unmarked vans

undoing of grasping greedy hands

What's next you ask?

A brand new day

rain has washed the stink away

a new and better normal

patiently awaits us

come and celebrate

a Happy Day!

Alicia Viguer-Espert


I questioned the lucidity of my focus 

into obscure places where cicadas cried

the rhythmic bawls of despairing babies.

Kneeling, I allowed tears to think

for me, willed my heart to act as guide.

After making the decision, I awoken

from it like a patient coming out of surgery

knowing the operation was not a success. 

Below, salty waves from an unseen ocean

heaved and crushed dark rocks furiously.

Above, constellations cautioned silently,

watched us close the door of a house 

in its sheath of ivy, pat the dog quietly.

We looked at each other with hungry eyes,

elated, pulsing with fear and desire.

I considered whether they’d search for us, 

running away with whispers of twilight

in our mouths, unfocussed, before roosters

could even greet the morning and praying 

the anxiety of transgression would leave us. 

Deceit and haste don’t make good companions, 

betrayal dishonors with corroding acid, 

a Granada, -scarlet seeds of beauty ready 

to explode-, destroys affections, fountains, 

homes encased in glass cutting freedom to pieces. 

I knew running away stabbed their pride,

soiled their good name, violate the sanctity 

of family, its power to control, shelter me.

Unsuitable, they called my graceful love, 

a youth not of my class. I’ll pay for my decision.

CaLokie AKA Carl Stilwell

I Hear America Tweeting, Walt Whitman 



Abby D. Phillip 

At the moment that Joe Biden became President-elect, President Trump is on the golf course. 

Shaun King@ 

Im telling you, right now in Brooklyn it looks, feels, and sounds like we just overthrew a dictator... 


The last time my 81 yr old mom banged pots and pans was at the end of World War II. She was 6. At around 11:30 am today, she did it again.  

Kojo Ebro@oldmanebro 

People throwing paper towels over the fence in DC… 


I hear Black Lives Matter Plaza is lit right now.  

Mikey Almeida 


katie morri$$ey 


Linda Patch #FBR 

Just take a moment to think about this. Last night PARIS RANG THE BELLS for America. London lit up the skies. Germans took to the streets.  Our allies as giddy with hope and relief as we are. I'll never forget it. 

Yellowdog for Biden 

My friend Emma says her friends in Paris say everyone is singing Allez Les Bleus.” 

Its the song normally sung for their National Soccer Team. It translates Go Blue. 

Josh Fox VoteBiden 

Saturday November 7th shall be forever known as VT day. 

I Hear America Tweeting, Walt Whitman 

Once more, we beat the fascists. 

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump 


Aaron Rupar 

Trump watches celebrations of his defeat as he returns to the White House from playing golf  

Steve Schmidt 

Goodbye @IvankaTrump. You will be loved by the people you disdain and disdained by the people you want to be loved by. There will never be a Met  Ball for you again. You are fated to live out your years as an aging, cor rupt, villainous Barbie; paying the price for what you did 

John Fugelsang 

Remember, it ain't over 'til the last Trump lawsuit has been laughed out of the last US Courthouse. 

Marc E. Elias 

Trump and his allies are now 0-10 in post-election court cases. 

Stephen King 

You lost, you miserable self-entitled infantile fucker. Concede and get the hell out. 

Julia Louis-Dreyfus 

Madam Vice President” is no longer a fictional character. 

Sarah Cooper 

First I want to say congratulations to both President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris. Second I want to say, I am happy to stand in for 45 at the inauguration since we know he wont be there! 

Michael Moore 

CONGRATULATIONS FELLOW AMERICANS!! TRUMP DEFEATED!!  Now we must defeat that which gave us Trump. 

Scott Kaestner


In the aftermath amid the ashes

there is a beginning - a way


Today take solace in the sun

it sheds light on opportunity


The future won’t be built overnight 

but it will be built - it is the answer 


Look long into the eyes of a child

it is there you will find truth


Promise a better future for them

be the connection from here

to there.

Here - to there - tomorrow.

Cindy Rinne

View Next Door of Destruction

Mole upcurves to a parched saffron surface.

Then burrows through misty sand, silt, 

and clay. Unwinds forming a new path. 

Giant roots anchor each turn—

I sigh.

Shadows hug.

A radiant crone appears 

with long, white hair.

Stay rooted, underground for a while, she says.

I follow mole, yet aware of the elder woman’s presence.

Time to awaken senses other than sight to nourish my heart.

Move beneath the scenes like crawling through tunnels.

This Southern Magnolia, part of an ancient circle, surrounds a tall

vertical stone. Listen carefully and it sings a healing song.

The roaring of power saws when people refuse to hear.

Tree survived fire. Cut down today. Only sawdust left

Light Searches Shadows 

Darkness falls in the desert as I lie down in the cool sand

facing a sea of stars. They swirl to become a wind horse.

You can go anywhere, she says.

The horse is above me yet in me. My soul darts around

mountain peaks. Then over a mystical garden. Deer, moth,

hummingbird, monarch, and bluebird drink nectar there.

Then a Native American woman appears in the cosmos.

She gives me a skin filled with bags of water.

Soak the thirsty land, she says.

I shuffle in the desert placing the small pouches of liquid

at the base of each cactus and succulent. I end up walking

in a circle. Then I dance hard pounding the Earth.

Next appears tortoise always carrying her home.

Follow my path. The way is clear. No rush, she says.

I briefly swim with sea turtles before returning to the stacked stones

wisdom of the desert. An oasis surfaces where palms, cattails, and

great horned owls stare at me. They sway as one.

A time of rest will transition to action, they say.


On my walks for a long time

I don’t find a feather. But when

I was writing a myth about birds,

feathers were everywhere.

One day, I asked if I should

continue writing this story.

At that moment, a white feather

drifted through the olive tree

right in front of me and fell 

at my feet. I took this as a yes.

Next time I find a feather,

I’d like to dream into its

memory and discover 

the message it carries.

Kal-El Ramirez

Photo by Coco The World  I see the world  as a so-so place  yeah you’ve got –   new tech, new cars,  phones, computers  but then you have – ...