Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Friday, November 13, 2020

Patricia Murphy

What's Next?

In this time of unrest, what's next?   
Who will be our President on January 20, 2021?  
What will become of the United States?  
Do I even want to live here anymore?  

My beloved United States of America.  
I wonder as I wander.  

In this era, will normalcy return?  

Or will we just go downhill from here?  
As time passes by, who do I rely on?  

Myself and my own inner voice.  

I must do what's right for me.  
I must sing my own song.  
Write my own tune. 
Perform as an actress in my own way.  
Direct as I see fit.  

Talk from my own strength.  
Dance from my own choreography.  
Walk my own walk.  

I will rely on God as my higher power.  
For there is no tower better.  
I write to the letter. 
All for the greater good of humanity. 


I wonder what's next for Mom. 
Yesterday, it was fifty-three years 
since she passed away.  

I remember the phone call I received 
from my Dad like it was today.  
He was calling me from Mom's 
hospital bed.  
It was an early morning call 
around 8 or 9 am.  

Dad told me Mommy had gone 
to heaven.  
She was young.  
Her illness finally consumed her 
after five years of battling it.  

As a devout Catholic I know 
she went to heaven.  

For years to come she remained 
with me.  
Her voice was always in my ears.  
I believe she is my Guardian Angel.  

She couldn't be with me physically 
any longer, but remained with me 

As I tried to protect my younger 
sister and I from disaster.  

We remained strong through it all.  

It's made me who I am today.  

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