Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Friday, November 13, 2020

Mark Fisher

The American Kaiju

beneath uneasy slumber
dreams an ugly dream
that spins like satellites
through that streaky bacon sky
and spreads out good news
like a virus
of self-fulfilling misery
exhaling heartbreak
and breathing in gloom
with the hypocritical fog
that sweeps away gods
and loosens the wingnuts
holding down the madness
resting on the elderly greatness
and distant memories of happiness
drowning out the mournful cries
of children
still you’re incapable
of being the hero
dropping atom bombs
in the true miracle
of evolution
as next we shrink down
into the quantum realm
to tussle with Schrodinger
about what we really are

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Kal-El Ramirez

Photo by Coco The World  I see the world  as a so-so place  yeah you’ve got –   new tech, new cars,  phones, computers  but then you have – ...