Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Alicia Viguer-Espert


I questioned the lucidity of my focus 

into obscure places where cicadas cried

the rhythmic bawls of despairing babies.

Kneeling, I allowed tears to think

for me, willed my heart to act as guide.

After making the decision, I awoken

from it like a patient coming out of surgery

knowing the operation was not a success. 

Below, salty waves from an unseen ocean

heaved and crushed dark rocks furiously.

Above, constellations cautioned silently,

watched us close the door of a house 

in its sheath of ivy, pat the dog quietly.

We looked at each other with hungry eyes,

elated, pulsing with fear and desire.

I considered whether they’d search for us, 

running away with whispers of twilight

in our mouths, unfocussed, before roosters

could even greet the morning and praying 

the anxiety of transgression would leave us. 

Deceit and haste don’t make good companions, 

betrayal dishonors with corroding acid, 

a Granada, -scarlet seeds of beauty ready 

to explode-, destroys affections, fountains, 

homes encased in glass cutting freedom to pieces. 

I knew running away stabbed their pride,

soiled their good name, violate the sanctity 

of family, its power to control, shelter me.

Unsuitable, they called my graceful love, 

a youth not of my class. I’ll pay for my decision.

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