Photo by Mary Torregrossa

Monday, November 16, 2020

Kal-El Ramirez

Photo by Coco

The World 

I see the world 

as a so-so place 

yeah you’ve got –  

new tech, new cars, 

phones, computers 

but then you have –

pollution, sickness, 

Racism, bullies

and the struggle 

to survive

Your idiocy 

to make a world 

that’s perfect

doesn’t just need kids 

it needs you too 

So what’s next? 

This new generation, 

Us children – 

picking up 

your trash 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Two Cent Tom

-          “Ground Control to Major Tom”

                                       David Bowie

What’s Next…

As I try to deflect and resurrect

histories truths of inequality


“We asked for it”

“it was never ours to begin with”

“when will enough be enough”


You see its kinda tough

when you grow up in the hood
spent everyday knocking on wood


Praying on ash bent knees

underneath the trees

of the lost but not forgotten


Hands full of dirt

pretending that death

of a loved one doesn’t hurt


Who are you to cast stones

in this glass house

built out of privilege


While down in the village

kids trapped in cages,

parents slaughtered in racists rages


What’s next?

Is there a plan?

Is there anyway to repair this broken land?


This was never the land of the free,

nor was it the home of the brave…

our soil is the blood of the slave


A land of pillaged pride,

we have yet to come together

and put our differences aside.


When we look in the mirror who do we see?

A reflection of ignorance

or a future murder spree?



neither will ever give up the fight

for control over your bottom dollar


Slip off the noose,

remove your

shock collar


Remorse for humanity in the tears that I shed

There will always be more suffering,

always more dead 


What’s next is so very plain to see

What’s next is the end, oblivion,

eternity in the void of space

Pushing up flowers


Two and Two are Four

Four and Four are Eight

Eight and Eight are Sixteen

and Sixteen…

and Sixteen…are Thirty-Two


Hovering over a cold sterile stainless-steel table

I watched as she sang, rocking two and fro

Listening to the rhythm of her sawing dutifully to the ditty


Two and Two are Four

Four and Four are Eight

Eight and Eight are Sixteen

and Sixteen…

and Sixteen…are Thirty-Two


It was calming but altogether eerily sung in a minor tone

Back and forth went one arm as the other held steady

Such precision, a planned paradigm affinity 


Inch worm, Inch worm measuring

the marigold seems to me you’d stop and see

how beautiful they are…


Gathering her carefully dissected pieces

Plopped each piece in a biodegradable planter

Covered with fertilized earth scooping out a hole


Inch worm, Inch worm measuring

the marigold seems to me you’d stop and see

how beautiful they are…


Transferring the planters

to a push dolly nearby

Thirty-two marigold plants awaited


Two and Two are Four

Four and Four are Eight

Eight and Eight are Sixteen

and Sixteen…

and Sixteen…are Thirty-Two


I tapped her shoulder

as she spun her eyes fixated on mine

pupils so dilated and dark she kept singing


Two and Two are Four

Four and Four are Eight

Eight and Eight are Sixteen

and Sixteen…

and Sixteen…are Thirty-Two


What did you place in that planter?

“Food for the inch worms

to help the flowers grow” and then continued


Inch worm, Inch worm measuring

the marigold seems to me you’d stop and see

how beautiful they are…


What kind of food I queried wearily

“Thirty-two pieces of the man that plagues my mind

he dared ask me after violating me one last time…What’s next?” 



“You wear your trauma like a badge of honor.

You need to give that shit up.

It’s killing you.”


It’s amazing how observant

and how blind a person

can be all at the same time.


The ignorance

and blatant shameful manner

in which they befriend one another.


Unwilling to accept that

you don’t get

how trauma works.


No one posses

the Pythagorean Theorem

to write out its functions.


To solve

its relative



Map out the definitive ratio

of plus and minus

efforts of justification.


There is no rationalizing Trauma,

no fixing,

no better way to deal with it,

no this verses that,

no tit for tat.


And in saying so,

the response is

“saying ‘you don’t get it’ is part of the problem.”


Is it now?


How many:

-          psychologists

-          psychoanalyst

-          neuroscientist             

-          mental health leaders

have you surpassed?


Do you think you’re the Flash?


Running faster than light,

or sound, or apparently

reason that can’t catch you?


I wear my trauma like a badge of honor…pssshh


You’re DAMN right I DO!

I’m a six-star General of Trauma

I’ve got purple hearts, crosses, congressional medals of honor too –


Fought more wars in my mind

than vanished souls lost

to the Roman-Persian Wars!



No straight jacket

can hold the thoughts

of my mind.


Steal bars could never cage

my rabid, feral, anger

once it’s been roused.


Dangerous I tell you!!! —

I am dangerous to myself

and others a fact I readily reveal.


My Father is a MARINE

as his Father before him



trained in tactical warfare 


To this day the only person

my Father fears is me —

fearful of his creation


Tremulous how easily my switch is flipped

knowing how arduous a task

it is to get me to snap out of battle mode


The niece of a Martial Arts Sifu

-          Kung Fu

-          Wing Chun

-          Tai Chi

-          Five Animal Style

-          Drunken Money



Standing in horse stance,

beat with a stick to keep

my stance for hours at a time


This is my blood,

instinctive like breathing air

I can paint demise with the flick of a wrist


So I plead to others not to anger,


or upset me.


Split seconds are too long,

too late,

too lavish to my skilled highly trained eye.


Have you any idea

the type of strength it takes

to ground myself like a deep-rooted tree?


These tears streaking my face

aren’t weakness you fool

they are kerosene leaking from my fueled tank!










But it doesn’t have to be this way.


My trauma is elegant,

beautifully hand stitched badges of honor

that tell a story of my strength, my —









Trauma isn’t something you get over, or get through,

there is no bridge to cross,

nothing to let go.


When you can see that trauma

is the shadows in a painting that

give it depth, shape, and purpose.


See that the dark

is what brings balance

to the light.


Only then can you see me as:

-          whole

-          complete

-          strong

-          powerful

-          graceful

-          loving



I am not something to:

-          fix

-          figure out

-          help heal

-          have pity on

-          try to console

-          force to be moved

My trauma doesn’t have me,

nor does it define me,

or control me.


I’ve been in command

of this vessel far longer

than anyone else.


So now that

I stand up

for myself.


Now that I won’t permit

others to wipe their shoes

on my face.


Because my fight or flight button

is permanently set to fight,

you don’t get to tell me who to be.


You don’t get to write my narrative

or inject your “positive thinking” ways

as the solution.


Inside the oubliette of my mind

is a place that only the blind can see

with admiration.


It gives hope to others

that someone like me,

like them,

like us all is still fighting!



To live through simply

this moment


Into the next, extending past

what you considering living

and we consider surviving just another day.



Joshua Corwin

Messiah dreaming


We stand at a forgetful point.

A new silence awaits us.

We stand at a forgetful point,

crafted by ambrosial solipsism.

We stand at a forgetful point.

We’re in the audacious dark.

We stand at a forgetful point

in this kingdom of atrophy.

We stand at a forgetful point,

sun-bathing life necrotic.

We stand at a forgetful point,

forgetting our own image

in the mirror of shrapnel,

speaking shards into arteries

pumping lies parallel panic

attacks Alabaster America,

hollow as a ghost,

spiritless jaundice & gunfire.

We stand at a forgetful point.

Hangman of peace gazes at

child’s empty electric exorcism.

We stand at a forgetful point.

Unpursed lips slide somber SOS.

We stand at a forgetful point.

Can you hear Serenity’s sarcasm?

We stand at a forgetful point,

convinced of no next sigh

upon the altar of smiley emojis,

with the wind of woke wanderers

in Neon Nazi now.

We stand at a forgetful point.

Ahead of our bodies, we’re alive:

somewhere, somewhere else…


Counting tomorrow, we’re inebriated

with hope,

looking for the next fix.

Mira N Mataric

Let us play with words


If you think I am demanding

what do you think of her,

my poetry, shadow, alter ego

my twin sister

she won’t let me sleep

unless I dream my next poem

in color, of course

and using all five senses

no rhyming but rhythm

and an exquisite choice of words,

simple and sophisticated

personal and poetic,

printable and proper

descriptive and demonstrative

fresh and freely flowing

and what not.

Imagery is indispensable

courage and creativity

daring details

emulating emotions

from everyday life

uniquely universal.

There is more to it,

but start with this first.

Don’t get lost in the game

you will have to sign your name

and remember art is for playing

life for living.

The World and I


Like many others

I have dug deep

into the meanings

value and worthlessness

of all things in life

only having to stop

at the closed gate

of Ultimate Knowing

over and over facing

the eternal unknowable meaning

and limitations of a human at any age.


I see my own poverty

within the lushness of nature

and the world around me,

including gifts so kindly given

whether I understand or not

know what to do or not

whether I remember to share

all I have or not.


The more I doubt myself,

the more I see the connection

of me, a tiny, worthless atom,

joined with the rest.



Summer Dreams


Lying on my back in bed

I close my eyes and  see

mountains in the distance

old trees with big branches

almost breaking to touch

the flowing water


Both the river and I

listen to the same lullaby

from the soft breeze and

the hum of the leaves

of a massive aspen tree

spreading shade around its base


When I get hot.

I wade into the cool water

of the welcoming river

then choose my spot

under the perfect tree

to take a nap.


I lay down with closed eyes

listening to the sweet song

of quivering aspen leaves

and the soothing murmur

of the close flowing waters

lulled into a deep sleep

floating on unforgettable dreams

Kal-El Ramirez

Photo by Coco The World  I see the world  as a so-so place  yeah you’ve got –   new tech, new cars,  phones, computers  but then you have – ...